RunBase framework in D365 F&O - Basic Requirement
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RunBase framework in D365 F&O - Basic Requirement
class CountryPopulationBatchJob extends RunBaseBatch { public static void main(Args _args){ CountryPopulationBatchJob countryPopulationBatchJob = new CountryPopulationBatchJob(); if(countryPopulationBatchJob.prompt()){; } } static client server ClassDescription description() { return "Country Population"; } public void run(){ super(); Info("Rumman is running"); } public container pack() { return ["a", "b"]; } public boolean unpack(container _packedClass) { return true; } }
Rumman is running
Solve below assignment:
You have to create a table (CountryPopulation) which is having below fields.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Address
5. Occupation
Create a batch job using RunBaseBatch framework which can insert data from a CSV file inside the table(CountryPopulation)
See my project structure:
Create a table like below:
Now see table output
Create a CSV file like below:
write a CountryPopulationBatchJob class like below:
class CountryPopulationBatchJob extends RunBaseBatch { DialogRunbase dialog; DialogField dialogDefinitionGroupUpdate; DMFDefinitionGroupName definitionGroupUpdate; Filename filename; System.IO.Stream fileStream; SharedServiceUnitFileID fileID; DMFDefinitionGroupName definitionGroupName; #define.definitionGroupName("Country Population Import") #define.CurrentVersion(3) #localmacro.CurrentList definitionGroupUpdate, filename, fileID #endmacro private const str OkButtonName = 'OkButton'; private const str FileUploadName = 'FileUpload'; public static CountryPopulationBatchJob construct() { return new CountryPopulationBatchJob(); } public static void main(Args _args){ CountryPopulationBatchJob countryPopulationBatchJob = new CountryPopulationBatchJob(); if(countryPopulationBatchJob.prompt()){; } } static client server ClassDescription description() { return "Country Population"; } protected FormControl getFormControl(DialogRunbase _dialog, str _controlName) { return _dialog.formRun().control(_dialog.formRun().controlId( _controlName)); } public void run(){ //super(); //Info("Rumman is running"); FileUpload fileUploadControl = this.getFormControl(dialog, FileUploadName); FileUploadTemporaryStorageResult fileUploadResult = fileUploadControl.getFileUploadResult(); if (fileUploadResult != null && fileUploadResult.getUploadStatus()) { setPrefix(CountryPopulationBatchJob::description()); info(strFmt("@SYS90632",DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::utcNow(), DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone()))); info(strfmt("@SYS79623", filename)); using(System.IO.Stream stream = fileUploadResult.openResult()) { if(stream) { try { if(this.importFromCSV(stream)) { info("@SYS70405"); } else { error("@USV:FileImportError"); } } catch { error("@USV:FileImportError"); } } else { error("@USV:FileImportError"); } } } } private boolean importFromCSV(System.IO.Stream _stream){ //Info("import"); System.IO.TextReader textReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(_stream); str line; container dataContainer; CountryPopulation countryPopulation; ttsBegin; //line = textReader.ReadLine(); // Read each line of the CSV file and insert data into the table line = textReader.ReadLine(); while( line != "" ){ line = textReader.ReadLine(); if(line == ''){ continue;} dataContainer = list2Con(strSplit(line, ',')); // Ensure that the line has the correct number of fields if (conLen(dataContainer) == 5) { // CountryPopulation countryPopulation = new CountryPopulation(); countryPopulation.Name = conPeek(dataContainer, 1); countryPopulation.Age = conPeek(dataContainer, 2); countryPopulation.Gender = conPeek(dataContainer, 3); countryPopulation.Address = conPeek(dataContainer, 4); countryPopulation.Occupation = conPeek(dataContainer, 5); countryPopulation.insert(); } } ttsCommit; return true; } public container pack() { return [#CurrentVersion, #CurrentList]; } public boolean unpack(container _packedClass) { Integer version = conPeek(_packedClass, 1); switch (version) { case #CurrentVersion: [version, #CurrentList] = _packedClass; break; default: return false; } return true; } public Object dialog() { DialogGroup dialogGroup; FormBuildControl formBuildControl; FileUploadBuild dialogFileUpload; dialog = new DialogRunbase(CountryPopulationBatchJob::description(), this); //dialogDefinitionGroupUpdate = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(DMFDefinitionGroupName), definitionGroupUpdate); //dialogDefinitionGroupUpdate.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodStr(CountryPopulationBatchJob, lookUpDefinitionGroup), this); // dialogDefinitionGroupUpdate.value(#definitionGroupName); dialogGroup = dialog.addGroup(CountryPopulationBatchJob::description()); formBuildControl = dialog.formBuildDesign().control(; dialogFileUpload = formBuildControl.addControlEx(classstr(FileUpload), FileUploadName);; dialogFileUpload.fileTypesAccepted('.xlsx,.xls,.xlsm,.csv'); dialogFileUpload.baseFileUploadStrategyClassName(classstr(FileUploadTemporaryStorageStrategy)); dialogFileUpload.fileNameLabel("@SYS308842"); return dialog; } }