CSV File operation in Dynamic AX
Table of Content:
1. Create a table in AX. The name of the table will be Table 1.
The table need to contain the below data.
SO_ID | Name |
1 | Rumman Ansari |
2. Create a csv file. Name of the csv file is info.csv
csv file will be like this
2,Raja 3,Rumman Ansari 4,Mohon
Task 1: You have to take data from the csv file and have to put those data in the table.
Task 2: Create a JOB for this.
Task 3: After that you have to update the data where all the name present as Rumman Ansari
another name Rambo
To do this we will create two different Job. In first job will will insert all the data from the
csv file to the table. In the second job we will update the name form Rumman Ansari
to Rambo
Job 1
static void Job1(Args _args) { #File IO iO; int SO_ID; str Name; Table1 _table1; FilenameOpen filename = @"C:\Users\ansari\Desktop\info.csv"; //To assign file name Container record; boolean first = true; ; iO = new CommaTextIo(filename,#IO_Read); if (! iO || iO.status() != IO_Status::Ok) { throw error("@SYS19358"); } while (iO.status() == IO_Status::Ok) { record = iO.read();// To read file if (record) { if (first) //To skip header { first = false; } else { SO_ID = conpeek(record, 1);//To peek record Name = conpeek(record, 2); _table1.SO_ID= SO_ID; _table1.Name = Name; _table1.insert(); info("File inserted in the Table"); } } } }
Job 2
static void Job2UpdateTableData(Args _args) { // Create table buffer Table1 table1Buffer; // the above and this code update the all the rows update_recordset table1Buffer setting Name="Rambo" where table1Buffer.Name == "Rumman Ansari"; info("All Data Updated"); }
Test case based on the above example
You have a table order, which contains two fields like a) SO_ID b) status. We have to change the status based on the SO_ID. We will have a CSV
file which will contain the SO_ID and status. We have to take that SO_ID and have to change the status pending to verified.
We have a table like below.
SO_ID | status |
111 | pending |
Task You have to change the status using a CSV
file, where the SO_ID and status will be given like below.
SO_ID,status 2,verified
static void CSVJob(Args _args) { #File IO iO; int SO_ID; str status; Table3 _table1; FilenameOpen filename = @"C:\Users\ansarir2\Desktop\info.csv"; //To assign file name Container record; boolean first = true; ; iO = new CommaTextIo(filename,#IO_Read); if (! iO || iO.status() != IO_Status::Ok) { throw error("@SYS19358"); } while (iO.status() == IO_Status::Ok) { record = iO.read();// To read file if (record) { if (first) //To skip header { first = false; } else { SO_ID = conpeek(record, 1);//To peek record status = conpeek(record, 2); info(strFmt(" Found Id: %1 Status: %2",SO_ID,status)) ; // the above and this code update the all the rows ttsbegin; select forupdate _table1 where _table1.SO_ID == SO_ID; _table1.Name = status; _table1.update(); ttscommit; info("Status Updated"); } } } }
Output of the code will be below
SO_ID | status |
111 | verified |