People and Environment Interaction - Quiz

  • A Hydrosphere
  • B Lithosphere
  • C Atmosphere
  • D All of these
  • A Faster than that in rural areas.
  • B Slower than that in rural areas.
  • C The same as that in the rural areas.
  • D Cooler than that in rural areas.
  • A Autotrophic plants
  • B Herbivores
  • C Carnivores
  • D Decomposers
  • A Disproportionate large impact on ecosystem
  • B Very less impact on ecosystem
  • C No impact at all
  • D None of the above
  • A Arthur Tansley
  • B Al Gore
  • C Arrhenius Svante
  • D Mobius
  • A Organisms in a species that are capable of reproducing among themselves.
  • B Different species that can interbreed.
  • C Collective members of a species living and interacting across the biosphere.
  • D Some organisms that may not belong to any species.
  • A Stratosphere
  • B Mesosphere
  • C Troposphere
  • D None of the above
  • A Plants in a geographical area.
  • B Animals in a geographical area.
  • C Plants and animals in a geographical area.
  • D Plants in the Arctic region.