Computer Terms - Quiz

  • A Adjustment
  • B Function
  • C Modifier
  • D Alphanumeric
  • A Primary memory
  • B Control section
  • C External memory
  • D Cache memory
  • A Secondary storage media
  • B Output media
  • C Input media
  • D All the above
  • A Parallely only
  • B Sequentially only
  • C Both sequentially and parallely
  • D All the above
  • A Input, output and processor
  • B Input, output, processor and browser
  • C Control unit, arithmetic logic unit and primary storage
  • D Control unit, processor and primary storage
  • A American Stable Code for International Interchange
  • B American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
  • C American Standard Code for Infor -mation Interchange
  • D American Standard Code for Inter -change Information
  • A Daisy wheel printer
  • B Line printer
  • C Laser printer
  • D Thermal printer