Situation Management in Classroom - Quiz

  • A A lengthy statement
  • B An ambiguous statement
  • C A precise statement
  • D A statement which allows the listener to his own conclusions
  • A Develop intimacy with them
  • B Help them solve their problems
  • C Award good grades
  • D Take classes for extra tuition fee
  • A Give some vague answer and satisfy the student
  • B Tell the student not to ask much irrelevant questions
  • C Tell the student that he would give the correct answer later
  • D Ask the student to find out the answer himself from the books in the library
  • A Very informal and intimate
  • B Limited to classroom only
  • C Cordial and respectful
  • D Indifferent
  • A Not care about the intelligent students
  • B Keep your speed of teaching fast so that students’ comprehension level may increase
  • C Keep your teaching slow
  • D Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils
  • A To scold him for not having learnt the lesson
  • B To explain why the answer is wrong
  • C To ask another student to give the correct answer
  • D To ignore the wrong answer and pass on the next question
  • A Integrated development of the child
  • B Physical growth of the child
  • C For socio-cultural
  • D Development of the child
  • A Not introduced
  • B Stated before the start of the discussion
  • C Written on the board without introducing it
  • D Informed to the students in advance