Light - Quiz

  • A Convex lens
  • B Concave lens
  • C Plano-convex lens
  • D Biconcave lens
  • A The speed of light is constant in all media.
  • B The speed of light is greater in a vacuum than in a medium.
  • C The speed of light is lower in a vacuum than in a medium.
  • D The speed of light is higher in a medium than in a vacuum.
  • A 299,792,458 m/s
  • B 186,000 km/s
  • C 300,000 m/s
  • D 299,792 km/s
  • A Interference
  • B Diffraction
  • C Polarization
  • D Dispersion
  • A Diffraction
  • B Interference
  • C Polarization
  • D Change in speed
  • A Reflection
  • B Absorption
  • C Refraction
  • D Emission