Heat - Quiz

  • A Kelvin
  • B Celsius
  • C Fahrenheit
  • D Joule
  • A have low specific heat
  • B have high specific heat
  • C have large coefficient of expansion
  • D are lighter
  • A increases
  • B decreases
  • C does not change
  • D first decreases and then increases
  • A Molecular motion in a gas would cease
  • B Water freezes
  • C All gases become liquid
  • D All gases become solid
  • A Space travel, surgery and magnetic levitation
  • B Surgery, magnetic levitation and telemetry
  • C Space travel, surgery and telemetry
  • D Space travel, magnetic levitation and telemetry
  • A Good absorber and Bad reflector of Heat
  • B Bad absorber and Bad reflector of Heat
  • C Good absorber and Good reflector of Heat
  • D Bad absorber and Good reflector of Heat
  • A vaporization
  • B freezing
  • C melting
  • D sublimation