Wave Motion and Sound - Quiz

  • A Heat equation
  • B Wave equation
  • C Sound equation
  • D Pressure equation
  • A Cartesian three-dimensional space
  • B Cartesian two-dimensional space
  • C Cartesian one-dimensional space
  • D Spherical three-dimensional space
  • A Sound waves in open pipes
  • B Electromagnetic waves
  • C Mechanical vibrations
  • D Temperature distribution in a metal bar
  • A Maximum sound pressure
  • B Speed of sound
  • C Wavelength of the note
  • D Number of nodes in the standing wave
  • A Electric field vector
  • B Magnetic field vector
  • C Vertical displacement of the skin
  • D Concentration of substances in the medium
  • A Determines the speed of sound
  • B Specifies the number of nodes in the wave
  • C Represents the initial temperature at each point
  • D Defines the maximum sound pressure in the bore
  • A Phase velocity
  • B Amplitude velocity
  • C Group velocity
  • D Modulation velocity
  • A Defines the wavelength of the emitted note
  • B Specifies the number of nodes in the standing wave
  • C Determines the speed of sound
  • D Measures the length of the bore