Quran - Quiz

  • A Surah Nur and Surah Ahzab
  • B Surah Nur and Surah Ahzab
  • A Near about four thousand
  • B Three thousand
  • C Two thousand
  • D One thousand
  • A Expressing politeness and courtesy
  • B Good words and forgiveness
  • C Good manner and kindness
  • D Giving shelter and showing respect
  • A Surah Baqarah
  • B Sura Al-Kahf
  • A To be loyal to his mother
  • B Receiving prophethood and Kitab (Holy book)
  • C Making a will to contain & conquer the prayer (Salah) to his people
  • D To be the servant of Allah
  • A Surah Anfal
  • B Surah Tawbah
  • C Surah Hashr
  • D Surah Muzadalah