
General Knowledge MCQ > Sports

Football, also known as soccer in some countries, is a sport played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field. The objective is to score goals by kicking or heading the ball into the opposing team's goal. The team with the most goals at the end of the match wins. It is the most popular sport in the world. ➲ Football - Quiz

  • A American football
  • B Gaelic football
  • C Cricket
  • D Rugby union
  • A American football
  • B Rugby union
  • C Gaelic football
  • D Canadian football
  • A 16th century
  • B 17th century
  • C 18th century
  • D 19th century
  • A The Soccer League
  • B The Football Association
  • C The Premier League
  • D The Football League
  • A Dribbling and shooting
  • B Passing and tackling
  • C Jumping and diving
  • D Hitting and throwing
  • A Between 5 and 10
  • B Between 10 and 15
  • C Between 15 and 20
  • D Between 11 and 18
  • A To hit a ball with a bat
  • B To score a goal or points by moving the ball to an opposing team's end of the field
  • C To catch a ball with your hands
  • D To run as fast as possible
  • A Players cannot use their hands
  • B Players cannot wear protective gear
  • C Players cannot kick the ball
  • D Players cannot be offside
  • A Hitting the ball with your hands
  • B Throwing the ball into a goal area
  • C Running with the ball across the field
  • D Putting the ball between two goalposts
  • A Association football
  • B Rugby union
  • C Gaelic football
  • D American football
  • A The Football League
  • B The Premier League
  • C The National Football League
  • D The Soccer League
  • A Carrying and throwing
  • B Kicking and dribbling
  • C Carrying and kicking
  • D Dribbling and tackling
  • A Two teams of usually between 11 and 18 players
  • B A clearly defined area in which to play the game
  • C Scoring points by hitting the ball with a bat
  • D Players using only their body to move the ball
  • A Diving, punching, and throwing
  • B Bouncing, blocking, and spiking
  • C Passing, tackling, and catching
  • D Shooting, dribbling, and jumping
  • A Players must score by throwing the ball into a basket
  • B There are no restrictions on player movement
  • C Players can use equipment such as bats or sticks
  • D Players must put the ball over or under a crossbar to score a goal
  • A Basketball
  • B Rugby union
  • C Gaelic football
  • D Gridiron football
  • A Ki-o-rahi
  • B Marn Grook
  • C Tepuk
  • D Episkyros
  • A Aqsaqtuk
  • B Pahsaheman
  • C Pasuckuakohowog
  • D Lacrosse
  • A Football
  • B Basketball
  • C Lacrosse
  • D None of the above
  • A Ki-o-rahi
  • B Marn Grook
  • C Aqsaqtuk
  • D Pasuckuakohowog
  • A William Strachey
  • B Robert Brough-Smyth
  • C John Davis
  • D Mahmud al-Kashgari
  • A Ki-o-rahi
  • B Marn Grook
  • C Episkyros
  • D Harpastum
  • A Lacrosse
  • B Tepuk
  • C Episkyros
  • D Phaininda
  • A Aqsaqtuk
  • B Pahsaheman
  • C Pasuckuakohowog
  • D Lacrosse
  • A Episkyros
  • B Phaininda
  • C Harpastum
  • D Lacrosse
  • A Ancient Greece
  • B Ancient Rome
  • C Ancient Egypt
  • D Ancient China
  • A William Herman
  • B Richard Mulcaster
  • C David Wedderburn
  • D Francis Willughby
  • A Ki-o-rahi
  • B Marn Grook
  • C Harpastum
  • D Aqsaqtuk
  • A Teams and positions
  • B Referees and coaches
  • C Goals and playing field
  • D Offside rules
  • A Richard Mulcaster
  • B William Herman
  • C David Wedderburn
  • D Francis Willughby
  • A Scoring a goal
  • B Defending the goal
  • C Passing the ball
  • D Handling the ball
  • A A field for football
  • B A playing field
  • C A court
  • D A pitch
  • A By age
  • B By skill level
  • C By strength and nimbleness
  • D By popularity
  • A Eton
  • B Aldenham
  • C Winchester
  • D Rugby
  • A Standing between the ball and the goal
  • B Passing the ball forward
  • C Dribbling with the feet
  • D Advancing the ball in a scrum
  • A Vulgaria by William Herman in 1519
  • B The Book of Games by Francis Willughby in about 1660
  • C The offside rules codified by English public schools in the late 18th century
  • D David Wedderburn's Vocabula in 1633
  • A Francis Willughby
  • B David Wedderburn
  • C Richard Mulcaster
  • D William Herman
  • A It was less violent and disorderly than traditional football.
  • B It provided exercise for the whole body.
  • C It helped to develop teamwork and strategic thinking.
  • D It allowed players to use their legs more effectively.
  • A 1519
  • B 1633
  • C 1815
  • D 1825
  • A Vocabula by David Wedderburn in 1633
  • B Vulgaria by William Herman in 1519
  • C The Book of Games by Francis Willughby in about 1660
  • D The offside rules codified by English public schools in the late 18th century
  • A Players must not strike an opponent's leg higher than the ball.
  • B Players must not pass the ball forward, either by foot or by hand.
  • C Players must only advance the ball in a scrum or similar formation.
  • D Players must be onside to play the ball.
  • A Through player salaries
  • B From government grants
  • C From sponsorship
  • D From peoples
  • A Corruption, bribery, and vote-rigging
  • B Discrimination against certain players
  • C Mismanagement of funds
  • D Issues between players
  • A References to teams, positions, a referee and a coach
  • B The earliest evidence of organised team football
  • C The division between "kicking" and "running" (or "carrying") games
  • D A move away from the disordered and violent forms of traditional football
  • A Richard Mulcaster
  • B David Wedderburn
  • C Francis Willughby
  • D William Herman
  • A During the early 16th century
  • B During the late 18th century
  • C During the mid-19th century
  • D During the early 20th century
  • A William Shakespeare
  • B William Herman
  • C William Wordsworth
  • D William Wallace
  • A Richard Mulcaster
  • B David Wedderburn
  • C Francis Willughby
  • D William Herman
  • A Setting the laws of the game
  • B Organizing and promoting international tournaments
  • C Investigating corruption in football
  • D Giving salaries to players
  • A 1904
  • B 1950
  • C 2000
  • D 1998