Football - Quiz

  • A Players must not strike an opponent's leg higher than the ball.
  • B Players must not pass the ball forward, either by foot or by hand.
  • C Players must only advance the ball in a scrum or similar formation.
  • D Players must be onside to play the ball.
  • A William Strachey
  • B Robert Brough-Smyth
  • C John Davis
  • D Mahmud al-Kashgari
  • A Dribbling and shooting
  • B Passing and tackling
  • C Jumping and diving
  • D Hitting and throwing
  • A Hitting the ball with your hands
  • B Throwing the ball into a goal area
  • C Running with the ball across the field
  • D Putting the ball between two goalposts
  • A Players cannot use their hands
  • B Players cannot wear protective gear
  • C Players cannot kick the ball
  • D Players cannot be offside
  • A Vulgaria by William Herman in 1519
  • B The Book of Games by Francis Willughby in about 1660
  • C The offside rules codified by English public schools in the late 18th century
  • D David Wedderburn's Vocabula in 1633