Vocabulary Test Part 1 - Quiz

  • A henpecked
  • B suspicious
  • C guilty of infidelity
  • D fondly and foolishly doting on his wife
  • A incurable
  • B contagious
  • C originating in the mind
  • D intestinal
  • A seasoned traveler
  • B greedy eater
  • C vegetarian
  • D connoisseur of good food
  • A roted, pened
  • B rotting, pened
  • C rotting, penned
  • D rotted, penned
  • A Courageous
  • B Couragous
  • C Courageable
  • D Couragable
  • A complete
  • B unspoiled
  • C occurring from a feeling of identification with another
  • D long-continuing
  • A view of the past
  • B artistic balance
  • C anticipation
  • D admiration
  • A unwise
  • B hostile
  • C unsophisticated
  • D contemptuous