Generative AI - Quiz

  • A A rich technical background, especially in machine learning and natural language processing, coupled with excellent leadership skills.
  • B Lobbying and diplomacy. Currently AI has a lot of unregulated parts so it is important to talk both sides of your mouth to not offend anyone involved in your team and other stakeholders.
  • C Transparency, fairness, empathy and responsibility. Approach the production and all operations with caution, always ask "who is benefiting" from our generative AI solution.
  • A They are large language models models. Chatbots, search engines, and customer service are the primary industry adopters.
  • B They are 3D asset generation companies. Their generated outcomes are used to design clothes, objects, CGI VFX, and are helping filmmakers quickly generate 3D environments.
  • C They are primary text-to-image generation services and models. Art, filmmaking, fashion, and marketing are the first industries to widely adopt their use.
  • D Denmark
  • A The internet, because of the astonishing speed at which we are connected to information.
  • B Crypto, because it is a decentralised ecosystem that gives power to the people.
  • C Photography, because it is a true creative revolution.
  • D Computers, because of our how rapidly we can compute, design, and multitask.
  • A ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by Al technology
  • B ChatGPT is not a natural language processing tool driven by Al technology
  • C ChatGPT is not an Al model. It just answers pre-configured questions.
  • D All are correct
  • A its capability to write hyper creative text for a variety of contents such as books, slogans, and scripts
  • B its capability to influence people to make decisions for them
  • C its ability to understand the meaning of the text it generates
  • D its large scale capability to generative human-like text
  • A Prioritizing model performance over ethical considerations
  • B Ensuring transparency and explainability of the Al models
  • C Ignoring potential biases in the generated outputs
  • D Providing generative Al models to unauthorized users
  • A Generating new molecules with desired properties
  • B Analyzing drug interactions in patients
  • C Automating drug manufacturing processes
  • D Predicting the effectiveness of existing drugs
  • A No. As a business leader with no technical background, you can either make partnerships with generative AI research institutions, or you can use open-source models in your next business endeavor. And as a hobbyist, a maker, or a creative, you can make use of a generative AI services that are free or
  • B No. Generative AI is so advanced that the code is writing itself. You almost do not need to hire anyone, you can do everything, including programming to product development on your own.
  • C Yes, because it is hyper complex. Several generative AI models and papers comes out every day and in order to work in generative AI, you need to be able to write generative AI algorithms and you need to be able to train your own datasets.
  • D Queenstown
  • A to teach machines how to play a game
  • B to generate new content such as text, picture, and video
  • C to detect fraudulent bank transactions
  • D to generate customized product suggestions