What is the purpose of the assert statement in Python?

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The assert statement in Python is used to test a condition and trigger an error if the condition is not true. The purpose of the assert statement is to catch programming errors early in the development process, by checking that certain conditions are true during the execution of the program.

The assert statement takes a single argument, which is a Boolean expression that is expected to be true. If the expression is false, the assert statement raises an AssertionError, which can be caught and handled by the program.

For example, consider the following code:

x = 5
assert x == 5, "x should be 5"

In this example, the assert statement tests that x is equal to 5. If the condition is true, the program continues executing as normal. If the condition is false, an AssertionError is raised with the message "x should be 5".

The assert statement is often used in testing and debugging to check that certain conditions are true during the execution of a program. By adding assert statements to a program, you can catch errors early in the development process and make it easier to debug and maintain the code.

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