What is the purpose of the __name__ variable in Python?

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The __name__ variable in Python is a special variable that is used to indicate the name of the current module. It is a built-in variable that is automatically created by the Python interpreter and is available in every module.

The purpose of the __name__ variable is to allow a module to determine whether it is being imported as a module or being run as the main program. When a module is imported into another module, the value of __name__ is set to the name of the module. However, when a module is run as the main program, the value of __name__ is set to the string "__main__".

This feature is often used to create code that can be both imported as a module and run as a script. By using the if __name__ == "__main__" statement, a module can determine whether it is being run as a script or being imported, and then execute the appropriate code.

For example, consider the following code:

# my_module.py

def my_function():
    print("This is my function.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("This is the main program.")

In this example, the my_module.py module defines a function my_function() and then checks the value of __name__ to see if it is being run as the main program. If __name__ is equal to "__main__", then the module executes the code that follows the if statement, which prints the string "This is the main program." and calls the my_function() function.

If my_module.py is imported into another module, the value of __name__ will be set to the name of the module ("my_module"), and the code following the if statement will not be executed. Instead, the my_function() function can be called by the importing module.

Using the __name__ variable in this way can help make Python code more modular and reusable, and it can simplify the testing and debugging of code.

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