Tuple packing in Python | What | When useful | Example

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Tuple packing is a feature of Python that allows you to group multiple values into a single tuple. When you create a tuple with multiple values separated by commas, Python automatically creates a tuple and packs the values into it.

Here is an example of tuple packing:

# create a tuple with three values
my_tuple = 1, 2, 3

# print the tuple
print(my_tuple) # prints (1, 2, 3)

# create a tuple with multiple data types
mixed_tuple = "apple", 5, True

# print the tuple
print(mixed_tuple) # prints ('apple', 5, True)

In this example, we create two tuples using tuple packing. The first tuple contains three integers, and the second tuple contains a string, an integer, and a boolean value.

When Tuple packing is useful ?

Tuple packing is useful when you need to group multiple values together into a single object. For example, you might use tuple packing to return multiple values from a function, like this:

# returning multiple values from a function using tuple packing
def get_name_and_age():
    name = "Alice"
    age = 30
    return name, age

# calling the function and unpacking the tuple
name, age = get_name_and_age()
print(name) # prints "Alice"
print(age) # prints 30

In this example, the get_name_and_age function returns a tuple with two elements: a string representing a name and an integer representing an age. The tuple is automatically created using tuple packing, and we can then unpack the values into separate variables using multiple assignment. This allows us to easily return and work with multiple values from a function.

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