What is the difference between a tuple and a list in Python?

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Here is a table comparing tuples and lists in Python:

Feature Tuple List
Definition Immutable sequence of elements Mutable sequence of elements
Syntax Enclosed in parentheses Enclosed in square brackets
Creation Faster creation time Slower creation time
Accessing Elements accessed by index Elements accessed by index
Slicing Supports slicing Supports slicing
Modification Cannot be modified after creation (immutable) Can be modified after creation (mutable)
Size Smaller memory footprint Larger memory footprint
Use case Used for fixed data Used for dynamic data
Examples (1, 2, 3) [1, 2, 3]

In summary, tuples are immutable, ordered sequences of elements that are typically used for fixed data, while lists are mutable, ordered sequences of elements that are used for dynamic data. Tuples have faster creation time, smaller memory footprint, and are safer for use as dictionary keys, while lists are more versatile and allow for modification after creation.

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