Checks if one set is a subset or superset of another set. If found, delete all elements from that set

Python / Python Set


Given Input:

first_set = {27, 43, 34}
second_set = {34, 93, 22, 27, 43, 53, 48}

Expected Output:

First set is subset of second set - True
Second set is subset of First set -  False

First set is Super set of second set -  False
Second set is Super set of First set -  True

First Set  set()
Second Set  {67, 73, 43, 48, 83, 57, 29}

Use the below methods of a set class

  • issubset()
  • issuperset()
  • clear()


first_set = {57, 83, 29}
second_set = {57, 83, 29, 67, 73, 43, 48}

print("First Set ", first_set)
print("Second Set ", second_set)

print("First set is subset of second set -", first_set.issubset(second_set))
print("Second set is subset of First set - ", second_set.issubset(first_set))

print("First set is Super set of second set - ", first_set.issuperset(second_set))
print("Second set is Super set of First set - ", second_set.issuperset(first_set))

if first_set.issubset(second_set):

if second_set.issubset(first_set):

print("First Set ", first_set)
print("Second Set ", second_set)


First Set  {57, 83, 29}
Second Set  {67, 73, 43, 48, 83, 57, 29}
First set is subset of second set - True
Second set is subset of First set -  False
First set is Super set of second set -  False
Second set is Super set of First set -  True
First Set  set()
Second Set  {67, 73, 43, 48, 83, 57, 29}

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