Get all values from the dictionary and add them to a list but don

Python / Python Dictionary


Given Input:

speed = {'jan': 47, 'feb': 52, 'march': 47, 'April': 44, 'May': 52, 'June': 53, 'july': 54, 'Aug': 44, 'Sept': 54}

Expected Output:

[47, 52, 44, 53, 54]


speed = {'jan': 47, 'feb': 52, 'march': 47, 'April': 44, 'May': 52, 'June': 53,
         'july': 54, 'Aug': 44, 'Sept': 54}

print("Dictionary's values - ", speed.values())

speed_list = list()

# iterate dict values
for val in speed.values():
    # check if value not present in a list
    if val not in speed_list:
print("unique list", speed_list)


Dictionary's values -  dict_values([47, 52, 47, 44, 52, 53, 54, 44, 54])
unique list [47, 52, 44, 53, 54]

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