Types of Sentences - Quiz

  • A on
  • B upon
  • C In
  • D over
  • A noun
  • B verb
  • C predicate
  • D phrase
  • A Emphatic sentence
  • B Declarative sentence
  • C Imperative sentence
  • D Exclamatory sentence
  • A Adverb phrase
  • B Adjective phrase
  • C Verb phrase
  • D Pronoun phrase
  • A more strong
  • B stronger
  • C most strong
  • D strongest
  • A Farther
  • B Further
  • C Farthest
  • D More far
  • A Kalidas is the greatest of all other poets.
  • B Kalidas is the greatest of all poets.
  • C Kalidas is the greater of all other poets.
  • D Kalidas is the greater of all poets.
  • A Changing active voice into passive voice.
  • B Changing passive voice into active voice.
  • C Changing affirmative sentences into negative sentences.
  • D Changing interrogative sentences into assertive sentences and their reverse.