What is the use of membership operators in Python?

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Membership operators in Python are used to test whether a value is a member of a sequence, such as a list, tuple, or string. There are two membership operators in Python:

  1. in: This operator returns True if the value on the left side of the operator is found in the sequence on the right side of the operator, and False otherwise.

  2. not in: This operator returns True if the value on the left side of the operator is not found in the sequence on the right side of the operator, and False otherwise.

Membership operators are commonly used in Python to perform conditional checks and filtering operations on sequences. For example, consider the following code that uses the in operator to check if a value is present in a list:

fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape']

if 'banana' in fruits:
    print("Yes, banana is present in the list of fruits.")
    print("No, banana is not present in the list of fruits.")

In this code, the in operator is used to check if the value 'banana' is present in the fruits list. Since 'banana' is indeed present in the list, the code prints the message "Yes, banana is present in the list of fruits."

Membership operators are also commonly used in Python to filter elements from a sequence based on a certain condition. For example, consider the following code that uses the in operator to filter all elements of a list that contain the letter 'a':

words = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape']

a_words = [word for word in words if 'a' in word]

print("Words containing 'a':", a_words)

In this code, the in operator is used within a list comprehension to filter all elements of the words list that contain the letter 'a'. The resulting a_words list contains all such elements, which are then printed to the console.

Overall, membership operators are a useful tool in Python for working with sequences and performing conditional checks and filtering operations.

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