What is the purpose of the

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The global keyword in Python is used to indicate that a variable is a global variable, rather than a local variable. This is useful when you need to modify a global variable inside a function.

Without the global keyword, any assignments to a variable inside a function are considered local, and the global variable will not be updated. For example:

x = 10

def modify_x():
    x = 20

print(x) # 10

By using the global keyword, you can modify the global variable inside the function:

x = 10

def modify_x():
    global x
    x = 20

print(x) # 20

It's generally considered better practice to avoid using global variables, as it can make your code harder to understand and maintain. Instead, you should try to pass variables as arguments to functions and return values, as this makes it clearer what the function is doing and what it depends on.

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