What is the purpose of the __file__ attribute in Python?

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In Python, the __file__ attribute is a special variable that contains the path to the script or module file that is currently being executed or imported.

When you execute a Python script or import a module, the interpreter sets the __file__ attribute to the path of the file that contains the code. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as locating resource files or other modules that are needed by the code.

Here's an example to illustrate the use of __file__:

# my_script.py

import os

print("Running script:", __file__)
print("Current directory:", os.getcwd())

In this example, the my_script.py file uses the __file__ attribute to print the path of the script file, as well as the current working directory. When you execute this script from the command line, you'll see output similar to the following:

$ python my_script.py
Running script: /path/to/my_script.py
Current directory: /path/to

Note that the value of __file__ is an absolute path, not a relative path, and may include symbolic links and other path elements.

In summary, the __file__ attribute in Python is a special variable that contains the path to the script or module file that is currently being executed or imported, and it can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as locating resource files or other modules that are needed by the code.

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