What is a keyword? List some Java keywords.

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Keywords have specific meaning to the compiler and cannot be used for other purposes in the program such as variables or method names.
Examples of keywords are class, static, and void.

Here is a list of some Java keywords:

Keyword Description
abstract Used to declare an abstract class or method.
assert Used for debugging purposes to make assertions about the program's behavior.
boolean A primitive data type used to represent a Boolean value (true or false).
break Used to exit a loop or a switch statement.
byte A primitive data type used to represent an 8-bit signed integer.
case Used in a switch statement to specify a value to be compared with the expression.
catch Used to catch exceptions thrown by a try block.
char A primitive data type used to represent a single character.
class Used to define a class.
const Used to define a constant value.
continue Used to skip the rest of the current iteration in a loop.
default Used in a switch statement as a catch-all case.
do Used to start a do-while loop.
double A primitive data type used to represent a 64-bit floating-point number.
else Used to define the alternative branch in an if statement.
enum Used to define an enumerated type.
extends Used in a class definition to indicate that the class is a subclass of another class.
final Used to indicate that a variable, method, or class cannot be overridden.
finally Used in a try-catch-finally block to specify a block of code to be executed after the try and catch blocks, regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not.
float A primitive data type used to represent a 32-bit floating-point number.
for Used to start a for loop.
if Used to specify a condition in a branching statement.
implements Used in a class definition to indicate that the class implements an interface.
import Used to import classes or packages from another source file.
instanceof Used to test if an object is an instance of a specified class.
int A primitive data type used to represent a 32-bit signed integer.
interface Used to define an interface.
long A primitive data type used to represent a 64-bit signed integer.
native Used to declare a native method.
new Used to create a new instance of a class.
package Used to define the package that a class belongs to.
private Used to indicate that a member is accessible only within the same class.
protected Used to indicate that a member is accessible within the same class and its subclasses.
public Used to indicate that a member is accessible from any class.
return Used to return a value from a method.
short A primitive data type used to represent a 16-bit signed integer.
static Used to indicate that a member belongs to the class rather than to an instance of the class.
strictfp Specifies that a floating-point operation must be performed strictly in accordance with the IEEE 754 standard
super Used to access the superclass's implementation of a method
switch Used to perform a multi-way branch based on the value of an expression
synchronized Used to ensure that only one thread can execute a method at a time
this Refers to the current object instance
throw Throws an exception
throws Declares that a method may throw an exception
transient Used to indicate that a field should not be serialized
try Marks the beginning of a block of code to be tested for exceptions
finally Provides a block of code that will be executed after a try/catch block, regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not

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