What is a function in SQL Server?

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A function is a sequence of statements that accepts input, processes them to perform a specific task and provides the output. Functions must have a name but the function name can never start with a special character such as @, $, #, and so on.

Types of function
  • Pre-Defined Function
  • User-Defined Function

User-defined Function:

In a user-defined function we write our logic according to our needs. The main advantage of a user-defined function is that we are not just limited to pre-defined functions. We can write our own functions for our specific needs or to simplify complex SQL code. The return type of a SQL function is either a scalar value or a table.

Creation of a function

Create function ss(@id int)   
returns table   
return select * from item where itemId = @id  

Execution of a Function

 select * from ss(1)  

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