Limitations of Database

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Nothing is 100% perfect. Advantages also bring along limitations with them. Database management system also has some limitations. They can be described as:

  • Cost of database management system is very high. As the number of users increase, we need to pay more.
  • To install database in a network, high-end hardware and skilled personnel to manage the network and database is required.
  • It will be more complex when DBMS contains many databases within it. It may reduce the speed of data access.
  • As data can be shared through DBMS, it is difficult to control and keep track of data accessed by users. Proper encryption and decryption techniques are required to secure data over a network.
  • If data volume is very high, performance will be poor. Also, when too many users are using database at the same time, it may generate traffic on network and slow down the response time.
  • Efficient employees are required to handle users and decide policies about data access, which requires considerable and constant training.

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