Write a PHP function to generate a random password. The password should contain uppercase, lowercase, numeric and other
PHP / Class, Object and Methods
Given Input:
Expected Output:
function generate_password($length = 12) {
// Define all possible characters that can be used in the password
$uppercase = range('A', 'Z');
$lowercase = range('a', 'z');
$numbers = range('0', '9');
$special_chars = str_split('!@#$%^&*()_+={}[];\',.');
// Combine all characters into a single array
$all_chars = array_merge($uppercase, $lowercase, $numbers, $special_chars);
// Shuffle the array
// Take a random subset of the shuffled array to create the password
$password = array_slice($all_chars, 0, $length);
// Convert the array to a string
$password = implode('', $password);
// Return the password
return $password;
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function generate_password($length = 12) { // Define all possible characters that can be used in the password $uppercase = range('A', 'Z'); $lowercase = range('a', 'z'); $numbers = range('0', '9'); $special_chars = str_split('!@#$%^&*()_+={}[];\',.'); // Combine all characters into a single array $all_chars = array_merge($uppercase, $lowercase, $numbers, $special_chars); // Shuffle the array shuffle($all_chars); // Take a random subset of the shuffled array to create the password $password = array_slice($all_chars, 0, $length); // Convert the array to a string $password = implode('', $password); // Return the password return $password; }
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