Python program to swap two variables

Python / Operators in Python


In this tutorial, we will learn how to swap two variables in a Python program. Suppose we have two variables, P and Q; We have to write a Python program for swapping their values. We will also discuss the different methods in Python for doing this task.


P = int( input("Please enter value for P: "))  
Q = int( input("Please enter value for Q: "))  
# To swap the value of two variables  
# we will user third variable which is a temporary variable  
temp_1 = P  
P = Q  
Q = temp_1  
print ("The Value of P after swapping: ", P)  
print ("The Value of Q after swapping: ", Q)  


Please enter value for P:  13
Please enter value for Q:  43
The Value of P after swapping: 43
The Value of Q after swapping: 13


In this method, the naïve approach will store the value of the P variable in a temporary variable, and then it will assign the variable P with the value of the Q variable. Then, it will assign the value of the temporary variable to the Q variable, which will result in swapping the values of both the variable.

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