Insert, Select, Update and Delete Operations in SQL Server (DML Operations)
In this section we will discuss about the Insert, Select, Update and Delete Operations in SQL Server (DML Operations)
Use a Database
Create Database Tables
Create a table Department
CREATE TABLE Department_rumman_1637935( ProjectNo varchar(10), ProjectName varchar(20), Budget int null ) SELECT * FROM Department_rumman_1637935
Insert some data inside the above table
INSERT INTO Department_rumman_1637935 (ProjectNo, ProjectName, Budget)VALUES ('p1', 'apollo', 12000), ('p2', 'gemeni', 95000), ('p3', 'mercury', 185600)
Create a table project
CREATE TABLE Project_rumman_1637935( DeptNo varchar(10), DeptName varchar(20), Location varchar(30) ) SELECT * FROM Project_rumman_1637935
Insert Some data inside the above table
INSERT INTO Project_rumman_1637935 (DeptNo, DeptName, Location)VALUES ('d1', 'Research', 'Dallas'), ('d2', 'Accounting', 'Settle'), ('d3', 'Marketing', 'Dallas')
Create a table Employee
CREATE TABLE Employee_rumman_1637935( empNo integer, empFname varchar(20), empLname varchar(20), DeptNo varchar(10) ) SELECT * FROM Employee_rumman_1637935
Insert Some data in the above table
INSERT INTO Employee_rumman_1637935 (empNo, empFname, empLname, DeptNo) VALUES (25348, 'Mathew', 'Smith', 'd3'), (10102, 'Ann', 'Jones', 'd3'), (18316, 'John', 'Bamimore', 'd1'), (29346, 'James', 'James', 'd2')
Create a table works on
CREATE TABLE WorksOn_rumman_1637935( emoNo integer, projectNo varchar(10), Job varchar(10), EnterDate date ) SELECT * FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935
Insert some data inside the above table
INSERT INTO WorksOn_rumman_1637935 (empNo, projectNo, Job, EnterDate) VALUES (10102, 'p1', 'Analyst', '1997.10.01'), (10102, 'p3', 'Manager', '1999.1.1'), (25348, 'p3', 'Clerk', '1998.1.15'), (18316, 'p2', 'NULL', '1998.6.1'), (29346, 'p2', 'NULL', '1997.12.15'), (2581, 'p3', 'Analyst', '1998.10.15'), (9031, 'p1', 'Manager', '1998.4.15')
The tables Department, Employee, Project and Works_on tables will be used for the Exercises in this session.
Question and Solutions
Get all row of the works_on table.
SELECT * FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935
Get the employee numbers for all clerks
SELECT empNo FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE Job ='Clerk'
Get the employee numbers for employees working in project p2, and having employee numbers smaller than 10000. Solve this problem with two different but equivalent SELECT statements.
SELECT empNo FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE projectNo = 'p2' AND empNo < 10000
Get the employee numbers for all employees who didn’t enter their project in 1998.
CREATE PROCEDURE ProjNot1998 AS Begin SELECT * FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 SELECT empNo,EnterDate FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE EnterDate NOT LIKE '1998%' end EXEC ProjNot1998 DROP PROCEDURE ProjNot1998
Get the employee numbers for all employees who have a leading job( i.e., Analyst or Manager) in project p1
SELECT empNo FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE projectNo = 'p1' AND job IN('Analyst','Manager')
Get the enter dates for all employess in project p2 whose jobs have not been determined yet.
SELECT EnterDate FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE projectNo='p2' AND Job = 'NULL' SELECT EnterDate FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE projectNo='p2' AND Job IS NULL
Get the employee numbers and last names of all employees whose first names contain two letter t’s.
SELECT * FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 SELECT * FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 WHERE empFname = 'Mathew' UPDATE Employee_rumman_1637935 SET empFname = 'Matthew' WHERE empNo = '25348' SELECT empNo,empLname FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 WHERE empFname LIKE '%t%t%';
Get the employee numbers and first names of all employees whose last names have a letter o or a as the second character and end with the letters es.
SELECT * FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 SELECT empNo,empFname FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 WHERE empLname LIKE '_[a,o]%es';
Get the employee numbers of all employees whose departments are located in Seattle.
SELECT * FROM Project_rumman_1637935 WHERE Location = 'Settle' SELECT * FROM Project_rumman_1637935 WHERE DeptNo =(SELECT DeptNo from Project_rumman_1637935 WHERE Location = 'Settle')
Find the last and first names of all employess who entered their projects on 04.01.1998
SELECT * FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 SELECT empNo,empFname FROM Employee_rumman_1637935 WHERE empNo =(SELECT empNo FROM WorksOn_rumman_1637935 WHERE EnterDate = '04.01.1998')