C Program to Construct a Tree with insertion operation and display the output
This C Program constructs Tree & Perform Insertion, Display.
The C program is successfully compiled and run on a windows system. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C Program to Construct a Tree & Perform Insertion, Deletion, Display */ #include#include struct btnode { int value; struct btnode *left; struct btnode *right; }*root = NULL; // Function Prototype void printout(struct btnode*); struct btnode* newnode(int); void main() { root=newnode(51); root->left=newnode(21); root->right=newnode(31); root->left->left=newnode(71); root->left->right=newnode(82); root->left->right->right=newnode(62); root->left->left->left=newnode(11); root->left->left->right=newnode(42); printf("tree elements are\n"); printf("\nDISPLAYED IN INORDER\n"); printout(root); printf("\n"); } // Create a node struct btnode* newnode(int value) { struct btnode* node = (struct btnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct btnode)); node->value = value; node->left = NULL; node->right = NULL; return(node); } // to display the tree in inorder void printout (struct btnode *tree) { if (tree->left) printout(tree->left); printf("%d->", tree->value); if (tree->right) printout(tree->right); }
tree elements are DISPLAYED IN INORDER 11->71->42->21->82->62->51->31-> Press any key to continue . . .